News that Inspires Imagination by Mad About Molds!
Growth & Evolving!
Another season has passed and Mad About Molds continues to grow and evolve. This November we have a new look on our website to introduce for The new year. Our website is richer, bolder than ever, yet it still has the same layout and information that is familiar to you..
As always, we thank you for your time, you’re wonderful comments and your generous support! We enjoy sharing what we do with you and we love to hear what you think!
Holiday Molds!
Of course, not everyone likes what you like, and everyone's tastes are different. This is why we take pride in carrying an assortment of molds that will satisfy just about anyone. As you can see in this sample in our Christmas Category. Sometimes just one option isn't enough, so be sure to go through all our shopping pages if you are looking for just the right mold for your projects. If you have holiday projects to finish up, or gift ideas to come up with we don't want you to panic, but we thought we would remind you to get your molds out!!! They are perfect for your Christmas crafting! Molds make great ornaments as they are the perfect size for all kinds of creations!!!
40 Ways To Stay Creative!
Website Design!
Many of our customers have commented on our how nice and easy our website is in function, searching and learning about our molds. For 82 pages this is no small feat. We are proud to tell you that our website design has been created by us for over 20 years. Many businesses will hire someone else to create their website store, but we took it the next step and feel that having complete control over the information we publish to the items in our store works for us. We understand that this isn't for everyone, so we are now offering this service for others. The reason, we are announcing it here is because we know that many of you are business owners who would benefit from an online store as well. If you are interested in our website design services you can visit our other website at Your Designs Online.
Let's build something great together!
101 Tips on How to Become More Creative!
1. Take a walk and look for something interesting. 2. Make metaphorical-analogical connections between that something interesting and your problem. 3. Open a dictionary and find a new word. Use it in a sentence. 4. Make a connection between the word and your problem. 5. How is an iceberg like an idea that might help you solve your problem? 6. Create the dumbest idea you can. 7. Ask a child. 8. Create a prayer asking for help with your problem. 9. What does the sky taste like? 10. Create an idea that will get you fired. 11. Read a different newspaper. If you read the Wall Street Journal, read the Washington Post. 12. What else is like the problem? What other ideas does it suggest? 13. What or who can you copy? 14. What is your most bizarre idea? 15. List all the things that bug you. 16. Take a different route to work. 17. Make up and sing a song about the problem while taking a shower. 18. Listen to a different radio station each day. 19. Ask the most creative person you know. 20. Ask the least creative person you know. 21. Make up new words that describe the problem. E.g., “Warm hugs” to describe a motivation problem and “Painted rain” to describe changing customer perceptions. 22. Doodle 23. What is the essence of the problem? Can you find parallel examples of the essence in other worlds? 24. Go for a drive with the windows open. Listen and smell as you drive. 25. Combine your ideas? 26. How can a bee help you solve the problem? 27. Write your ideas on index cards. One idea per card. 28. Give yourself an idea quota of 40 ideas. 29. What can you combine? 30. Can you substitute something? 31. Which of two objects, a salt shaker or a bottle of ketchup best represents your problem? Why? 32. What can you add? 33. What one word represents the problem? 34. Draw an abstract symbol that best represents the problem. 35. Think of a two-word book title that best represents the problem. E.g., if the problem concerns receptivity to change a suggested book title could be Involuntary Willingness. 36. Write a table of contents for a book about the problem. 37. Ask the person you like least for ideas. 38. What is the opposite of your idea? 39. Imagine your idea and its opposite existing simultaneously. 40. Daydream. 41. Draw abstract symbols to describe the problem. 42. Think out loud. Verbalize your thinking out loud about the problem. 43. List 20 ideas or thoughts into two columns of 10. Randomly connect ideas from column 1 to column 2. Combine the ideas to see what you get. 44. How would Abraham Lincoln approach the problem? 45. Write the alphabet backwards. 46. How would a college professor perceive it? 47. How would an artist perceive it? A risk-taking entrepreneur? A priest? 48. Imagine you are at a nudist beach in Tahiti. How could talking with nudists help you with the problem? 49. Can you find the ideas you need in the clouds? 50. Eat spaghetti with chopsticks. 51. Make the strange familiar. 52. Make the familiar strange. 53. What if you were the richest person on earth? How will the money help you solve the problem? 54. If you could have three wishes to help you solve the problem, what would they be? 55. Wear purple underwear for inspiration 56. Write a letter to your subconscious mind about the problem. 57. How would George Clooney solve the problem? 58. Forget the problem. Come back to it in three days. 59. Look at the problem from, at least, three different perspectives. 60. Imagine the problem is solved. Work backwards from the solution to where you are now. 61. How would the problem be solved 100 years from now. 62. Think about it before you go to sleep. 63. When you wake write down everything you can remember about your dreams. Next, try to make metaphorical-analogical connections between your dreams and the problem. 64. Imagine you are on national television. Explain your ideas on how to solve the problem. 65. What one object or thing best symbolizes the problem? Keep the object on your desk to constantly remind you about the problem. 66. List all the words that come to mind while thinking about the problem. Are there any themes? Interesting words? Surprises? 67. What if ants could help you solve the problem? What are the parallels between ants and humans that can help? 68. Create a walk that physically represents your problem. 69. Talk to a stranger. 70. Keep a written record of all your ideas. Review them weekly. Can you cross-fertilize your ideas? 71. How would an Olympic gold medal winner approach the problem? 72. Read a poem and relate it to the problem. What new thoughts does the poem inspire? 73. What associations can you make between your problem and an oil spill? 74. If your problem were a garden, what would be the weeds. 75. Change your daily routines. If you drink coffee, change to tea. 76. List your assumptions and then reverse them. Can you make the reversals into new ideas? 77. Make something that symbolizes the problem and bury it. 78. Draw the problem with your eyes closed. 79. Create a dance that represents your problem. 80. Mind map your problem. 81. Become a dreamer and create fantasies that will solve the problem. 82. Become a realist and imaginer your fantasies into workable ideas. 83. Complete “How can I _____?” Then change the words five different ways. 84. Suspend logic and think freely and fluidly. 85. Learn to tolerate ambiguity. 86. What have you learned from your failures? What have you discovered that you didn’t set out to discover? 87. Make connections between subjects in different domains. Banking + cars = drive in banking. 88. Immerse yourself in the problem. Imagine you are the problem. What would you feel? 89. What are the parallels between your problem and the Viet Nam war. 90. Hang out with people from diverse backgrounds. 91. Create a funny story out of the problem. 92. Make analogies between your problem and nature. 93. Imagine you are the opposite sex. Now how do you perceive the problem? 94. Force yourself to smile all day. 95. Use mashed potatoes to make a sculpture of the problem. 96. Sit outside and count the stars. 97. Walk through a grocery store and metaphorically connect what you see with the problem. 98. How would you explain the problem to a six year old child? 99. Cut out interesting magazine and newspaper pictures. Then arrange and paste them on a board making a collage that represents the problem. 100. Write a six word book that describes your progress on the problem. E.,g, "At present all thoughts are gray," “I am still not seeing everything.”
One thing that stands out about us, is that we are Mad About Molds! We take pride on offering over 1,000 molds, so there's something for everyone. We appreciate you and we aim to treat you well, because you are important to us. If you ever have a question, feel free to ask and we would be happy to help you out!
Most online stores are open 24/7, but do they answer their emails with-in 24 hours or sooner? We will do everything we can to reply to questions by email as soon as we possibly can. Even on weekends, holidays and when we are closed for vacation. We are also available through Facebook messaging as well. 

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