Dear Readers,
We have Good news and we have Bad news! The Good news is that we are adding 18 new molds to our website very soon! This has been long awaited by many of our customers, so some of you should be very excited to see our next newsletter! The Bad news? In order to do this, we must discontinue some molds, so we thought we would inform you, so can get them before they are gone. They will be on clearance for a very short time. So this bad news isn't so bad after all!
Sale ends on Dec. 22nd. As you probably already know, we offer 1,000 molds to choose from, and as we add molds we must discontinue a few as well. So if you have your eye on something, be sure to grab them up before they are gone. We are planning on adding a nice selection of new molds soon, but first we have a lot of work to do, so please be patient and watch our next newsletter. The wait will be worth it.
Are you ready for our big reveal? We would like to give you some hints about our NEW molds so here they are...
Preview of new molds: Maltese Cross, Surrounding Scrolls, Iron Ornament, Branching Out, God's Love, Train Locomotive, Floral Brick, Feeling Froggy, Yertle The Turtle, What's Up Bunny, It's Owl Good, Song Bird, Bubbly Bumble Bee, Bananas For You and Monkey Business.
All the best,
Marjorie with Mad About Molds
News that Inspires Imagination!
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