Dear Readers,
 It's hard to believe January is almost over! So how have you been? What kinds of projects have you been doing with your molds? We would love to see what you are doing with them, so please share! February is the "Love Month" and we have plenty of love to go around with all the heart molds we have available. See them here!
To help you get motivated this month, we'd like to share with you an article you might find helpful. "10 Steps for Boosting Creativity" It will inspire you to try new ideas with the skills you already apply to your projects.
Please take the time to sit back and enjoy this issue of My Molds!All the best, Marjorie with MadAboutMolds .com News that Inspires Imagination!
"My beauty comes from having my own style, living my own way and knowing my own mind..."
Just add color!
It’s show and tell! Here's our before and after shots, so you can see how nice these turned out. Each mold casting was made from white clay and painted with acrylic paints and glazes. They are actually pretty easy to make. Just choose and paint a color for the overall background color and then highlight the raised areas with colors of your choice. Be sure to check out our “Gallery Page” to see our endless amount of ideas that we have for you.
Molds: #048, 050, 071, 091, 101, 105, 188, 193, 194, 207, 357, 367 & 368.
Oh my! Little Pretties!
As our subscriber you get first dibs on previewing our newest molds and castings and much more. Theses are some of our seven new samples of our latest creations. Each would be a wonderful addition to your mold collection.
Search these molds on to read more details about each mold.
Molds: #098, 184, 365, 435, 919, 923 & 962.
Don’t you just love new ideas? Many of you may already own these molds, so these new projects may inspire you to get them out again. If not, we are including the mold numbers below for you to add them to your collection. Shown is just a random selection of castings that we had on hand in our office, but we painted them all in the same four colors to create a Valentine’s theme. (Hot Pink, Chocolate... Brown, Cream and Green) The end result is a collection that would be suitable for all kinds of projects such as candies, cupcake-toppers, party favors, Valentine embellishments and much more! Let us know if you come up with any ideas that could be used on our website. We would love to see them!
Molds: #038, 153, 360, 608 & 896 — at
Using our molds is easy and fun! You don't need to be ultra-talented to make items that look like they took hours to make. Learn how to make this charm step-by-step here.
With all the owls we are suddenly seeing, we were inspired to add a few more to our site. What a HOOT!
Samples made from Molds #149, 522, 207 & 164.
Think of all the Possibilities! The sky is the limit with what you can do with our molds. It's like magic when you first see the results. It takes very little work to make a piece that looks like it took hours to make. Don't you just loving making products that are one-of-a-kind items that you can't find anywhere else? With our molds, you are allowed to use your creations in anyway you wish. So feel free to have fun and make something you can be proud of.
10 Steps for Boosting Creativity
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Listen to music! Any type of music that you enjoy will encourage creativity. Getting the in groove is easier when you get your creative juices flowing.
Sleep. That's when your brain processes information and reorganizes all the stuff kicking around in your head. When you wake up, you may surprised by the ideas that burst into your brain!
Always carry a small notebook and a pen or pencil around with you. That way, if you are struck by an idea, you can quickly note it down. Upon rereading your notes, you may discover about 90% of your ideas are daft. Don't worry, that's normal. What's important are the 10% that are brilliant.
If you're stuck for an idea, open a dictionary, randomly select a word and then try to formulate ideas incorporating this word. You'd be surprised how well this works. The concept is based on a simple but little known truth: freedom inhibits creativity. There are nothing like restrictions to get you thinking.
Question your problem. Grab a sheet of paper, electronic notebook, computer or whatever you use to make notes, and question your problem in detail. You'll probably find ideas positively spewing out once you've done this.
If you can't think, go for a walk. A change of atmosphere is good for you and gentle exercise helps shake up the brain cells.
Don't watch TV. Experiments performed by the JPB Creative Laboratory show that watching TV causes your brain to slowly trickle out your ears and/or nose. It's not pretty, but it happens.
Don't do drugs. People on drugs think they are creative, but this far from the truth. - I would hope this isn't a problem for you.
Read as much as you can about everything possible. Books exercise your brain, provide inspiration and fill you with information that allows you to make creative connections easily.
Exercise your brain. Brains, like bodies, need exercise to keep fit. If you don't exercise your brain, it will get flabby and useless. Exercise your brain by reading a lot, talking to clever people and disagreeing with people - arguing can be a terrific way to give your brain cells a workout. But note, bickering over who should clean the dishes is not going to help.

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