Dear Readers, We have lots to show you this month! From the New Spring Colors to a tool you probably haven't thought of using with clay or molds. Spring will be here soon and with it comes an all new appreciation for color. Color brings an inspiration for creative ideas. And ideas need tools, like Molds! We hope that you will enjoy our article this month. "Where does Craftiness come from?" Do you ever wonder why you are so creative? We think that everyone is creative, but only a few of us have embraced the idea to make it bloom. Spring is just around the corner, so keep you eye out for new shapes and colors to motivate you to get creative with your molds. Please take the time to sit back and enjoy this issue of My Molds! All the best, Marjorie with Mad About Molds News that Inspires Imagination! "Love comes in every color!" We have bugs?!?! No not the flu bug! We have the good kind of bugs. We try to offer something for everyone, so check out our molds and see if we have what you are into. These little guys would be perfect for many Spring projects, so you might want to have these on hand for when that creative bug bites! The sky is the limit with what you can do with our molds. The results are like magic when you first see the results. It takes very little work to make a piece that looks like it took hours to make. Reach for the stars and look to the sun. :) You can find all of our Fantasy & Celestial molds on this page. Have fun! February is such a sweet month. It’s full of romantic hearts and flowers, so why not let it inspire you to create a little love for you and your friends and family. Our molds can be used for decorating cakes, cards or gorgeous jewelry. Kids find our molds fun too, so let them join in. They can often help with ideas you never thought of. All of these molds can be found by following these links. Flowers page and Hearts page.  2013 Color Trends We are excited to share the Pantone fashion color for Spring 2013. What’s your favorite? Move over, Tangerine Tango. You served us well this year, but it’s time for a new range of colors. The hues are aquatic and calming, and they conveniently look ahh-mazing alongside the camels, linens and eggshell whites of summer. Win-win! Get ready to see a LOT of this color. We all agree that finding the right color for your projects can be a daunting task. Every year Pantone color guru’s come together to create the perfect color palette that would influence and evoke emotions whether for personal style or for the home. Self-expression, balance and the need to re-energize were the basis of the color direction for 2013. Next season, we’ve got our collective eye on the other side of the color spectrum (or at least Pantone says so). This can be a guide in choosing trending colors for your projects this year. As a lover of color, it’s only appropriate to share these valuable information to you, so can get inspired and let your creative juice flow! You know those hole punch tools you find in the hardware store and leather departments of the craft stores? Well guess what? They can punch through PC like it was butter - even very thick pieces, and make a perfectly clean hole in a bunch of different sizes. I didn't even warm the clay up first.  Where does craftiness come from? As creative people, we all have a craft. Something that we are passionate about. Something that we do because we need to as much as we want to. Your craft comes from somewhere. We might all be born with an ability to craft, but what is it that encouraged us to find it? Was it family or friends? An attentive teacher or through sheer determination. Without that encouragement, would we have ever found it? Mine comes from my family. I grew up in a house where things were always being made rather than bought. Inside our house clothes were sewn and toys were made. I learned to use a sewing machine at seven. It was for entertainment and for necessity. New things are not always affordable on a humble budget. In the shed tables were built, photo frames were constructed and bikes were re-assembled. There was very little that could not be made or fixed. The sound of the machinery is etched in my brain to this day. Now I can see it for what it was: a crafty upbringing. It gives me a perspective on the world that others take years to find. If I can’t find what I’m looking for I can create it. Be it shelves, or a bag, or piece of writing that expresses what needs to be said. Craft is liberating. It puts you in charge of the outcome. You get to decide how something looks. How it reads. How it will fit into your life. It’s not something that everyone gets to experience. Where do you think your craftiness comes from? |  Contact Us! Comments Welcomed! How are we doing? Let us know what you are thinking! | | |