July 30, 2011

Tips to Achieving Your Goals – July/August Issue of My Molds!

My Molds Newsletter

News that Inspires Imagination!

By MAD ABOUT MOLDS.com - When it comes to service, we break the mold!

The Preferred Place for Clay Push Molds

July/August 2011 Newsletter

Hello Crafter,

We have been very hard at work and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store for you! But first you need to get inspired! How do you feel when you have created something for the first time? It’s an amazing feeling isn’t it? What’s even more fun is sharing your feeling with friends. We encourage you to give this feeling away to make you feel even better! What about selling your creations? Making money from them is exciting and very rewording! We hope that our molds can make you the best you can be!

Continue reading to learn more about using your time wisely in our article “Tips to Achieving Your Goals” Achieve big results with your goal setting!

You won’t want to miss this! So sit back and enjoy this issue of My Molds!

Until next time,

Marjorie with Mad About Molds


As always, we thank you for your time, you’re wonderful comments and your generous support!

We enjoy sharing what we do and we love to hear what you think!

Tips & Tricks

How much Clay!

One of the biggest problems that people have when using molds is that they just plain use too much clay. The result is that the face becomes thick and the edges look ragged. If you try to trim it, you may get fingerprints or smush it. Although freezing the clay can make it easier to work with. To control the look of the edges, press the clay into the mold. Then push it towards the center of the mold until you see the outside outline of the mold all around the clay. See our free mold making movie to learn how we do ours with a perfectly flat back every time.

When using a mold for the first time, how much clay should you use? Do a trial run. What's it going to hurt? Push clay into the mold, then pull it out. Image too big? Do it again with less clay. Image to small? Do it again with more clay. Remember, it's okay to practice.


Another Tip!

Can I make beads from Molds?

Yes, you can! Beading is still as popular as ever. If you are using clay just run a needle through your casting where you want the hole to be. If it is difficult to handle without distorting the image, just partially freeze it for awhile before making the hole to keep it's shape better. Molded shapes make great focal or centerpiece beads, or dangles for earrings and charms. The possibilities are endless!

TIP: Do you know what you can all do with clay? Did you know that you can polish, sand, drill, carve, paint or glaze Sculpey clay? Think of the possibilities!


One more Tip!

Eliminating Fingerprints from Clay Creations:

You can smooth out fingerprints on clay surfaces by putting a thin dusting of cornstarch or baby powder on your finger and gently smooth out any marks in a circular motion.


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This Month’s Article:

Tips to Achieving Your Goals

Did you spend time in the last few weeks setting goals both personally and for your business? Are you making progress on them?

Are your goals written? That’s a big key to achieving them. Written goals have the odds stacked in their favor. I think it’s because you spend time to get clear about what you want, and that lets you focus on your end result. Here are some more tips to achieving big results with your goal setting.

1. Make at least one goal a stretch goal. The definition of a stretch goal would be one that is big and possible, one might seem unattainable with your current skill set, one that will cause you to grow. What this does is challenge you to think outside the box. It also energizes and excites you as you figure out how you’ll achieve it.

2. Figure out why the goal is so important to you and what you’ll give up to make it happen. For example, if one of your goals is to increase your income by 10%, it might be important because you want to remodel your studio. If you know your why, it will help keep you stay focused on your goal. At the same time consider if you need to give up something to help in the effort. Again using the same example, maybe you need to give up that after-dinner TV show and read something that can help you build your business.

3. Chunk down each goal into tasks. Look at the date when you choose to have your goal complete and work backwards with a list of tasks. Breaking it down makes it seemless formidable and keeps you on track.

4. Take action and track it. It sounds simple, yet people don’t always take action. Chunking it down helps a lot here. I also like to use a tracking form to check off where I am on my goals. Using our example above, you could start to chart your income each week. That way you can see if you are on track, and, if not, consider what you can change to meet your goal.

5. Find an accountability partner. It helps if you have someone on your side, cheering and prodding. I am in a mini-mastermind group with three of the women from the high-level mastermind I was in last year. We all know each others’ businesses and can offer input and a gentle push if we’re behind.

6. Reward yourself. If you are making progress on your goals, treat yourself to something. You could even decide your reward ahead of time. Back to our example, maybe you get a massage if your financial goal is on track at the end of the month.

Good luck with achieving your goals. And, feel free to share your ideas on the here.


When it comes to service, we break the mold!

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Copyright © 2011 | Mad About Molds, 624 3rd Ave., Brewster MN 56119

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